Hi, Welcome to Recipease

Recipease pairs you the with perfect meal plan based on your dietary preference, restrictions and caloric intake

Let's narrow things down a bit

Help us get you setup by letting us know if there is a specific style of diet that you'd prefer. We've started you off below, but please choose whatever is relevant to you.

Strictly exclude gluten, wheat barley and rye.

Very low carb and very high fat.

No meat, sometimes eggs and dairy.

Vegetarian and sometimes also fish.

No meat or animal products.

A diet presumed to have been eaten by early humans.

Let's set some boundaries

Do you suffer from any food intolerances, allergies, or have anything in particular you really don't want in your plan? We've started you off below, but please choose whatever is relevant to you.

How much food would you like?

Give us a rough idea of how many calories per day you'd like how just how long you'd like us to plan for. Start off with your estimated caloric intake below:

Strictly exclude gluten, wheat barley and rye.

Strictly exclude gluten, wheat barley and rye.

Feast your eyes

The robots are back with your meal plan, check out your options below.